Summer is almost here, and it can make being indoors uncomfortable, especially if proper cooling precautions are not taken. Warm air, humidity, and harsh sunlight can drive up the building’s temperature during the day. How do you ensure that your modular building stays cool? Here are some tips.
1) Change the HVAC Air Filter
The HVAC filter of your modular building has air filters within that are responsible for filtering out the air. Over time, they can get clogged up or dirty. Worn out air filters can reduce the HVAC unit’s efficiency and keep it from adequately cooling down the building.
The air filters are supposed to be cleaned every month and replaced every three months. Contact a technician to have them checked and, if required, replaced. Doing so will keep your HVAC unit running smoothly and efficiently.
2) Keep the Windows Closed
Many people believe that keeping the windows open during the day circulates the air and brings the temperature down. This notion is far from the truth. In reality, opening the windows lets the warm air outside get in the building, raising the indoor air temperature.
Hence, any opening in the walls of your modular building, including windows, doors, and vents, should be closed during the day. This will keep the warm and humid air out. Similarly, the sunlight consists of UV rays that can penetrate most glass and raise the temperature indoors. Close the curtains and blinds to counter this, too.
3) Look Out for Electronics
One of the biggest culprits that raise the temperature indoors is the electronics. Electronic devices, especially microwaves and computers, emanate heat during the day, leading to a hike in temperature. Only use the electronics that you, and avoid running them when not needed. It would help if you also looked into upgrading your computers’ cooling systems too.
4) Insulate the Building
Many modular buildings use materials with low thermal mass. This can inadvertently warm your modular building by letting the warmth from the outside get in. Check to see if your building uses similar materials. If yes, you should upgrade the insulation by adding high thermal insulation to mimic the insulating properties of cement and concrete.
5) Upgrade Roof Paint
On similar lines, many contractors’ roof paints are generic and do not have any kind of solar-reflective properties. Upgrade the paint on the roof with colours containing special pigments specifically designed to reflect solar radiation. This is one of the best upgrades you can do to keep your modular building cool during the summer months as it can reduce the indoor temperature by up to 10 degrees celsius.
Summer months are celebrated in Edmonton, but they can be a problem for many modular buildings. But as long as you keep the above points in mind, you can avoid the discomfort of summer.
For more details on insulating and upgrading your modular building, reach out to Cormode & Dickson. We use high-grade materials that can last longer than generic materials while providing the utmost levels of comfort.